40+ Stoner Thoughts: Best High Questions For Smoking Weed 2024


Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re just sitting back, enjoying some weed, maybe playing a few stoner games, and suddenly, a thought pops into your head that seems to unravel the fabric of reality?

Welcome to the world of stoner thoughts, where pondering the profound can lead to some mind-bending realizations.

This is where the mind embarks on a stoner thought-provoking journey, embracing a heightened state of perception. These high thoughts go beyond boundaries, pondering profound questions about the universe and existence.

From the enlightening to the humorous, stoner thoughts offer moments of unexpected self-discovery and creative whimsy. So, let’s dive into some of the stoner thoughts I’ve had in the past and see if you’ve had any similar musings.

Deep Stoner Thoughts About The Universe, Life & Existence

Venture into the realm of deep stoner thoughts, where the universe reveals its mysteries, and existence sparks profound contemplation. Explore infinity, the purpose of life, and the nature of reality itself while puffing your favorite strain of marijuana.

1. E = MC^2

One such trippy thought that might blow your mind involves the iconic equation E=mc² and the intriguing idea that your body mass is, at its core, just energy.

Albert Einstein’s equation, E=mc², is famously known for describing the relationship between energy and mass.

In simple terms: energy = mass x the speed of light ^2

This suggests that energy and mass are interchangeable, bound by the speed of light squared.

Marijuana plants growing before being harvested.

Now, pause for a moment and allow this notion to settle. Your body possesses a particular mass, yet as per this equation, that mass can be understood as nothing more than energy oscillating at a subdued frequency

And while this stoner thought might seem funny, this isn’t just theoretical mumbo-jumbo; it’s the real deal. Every atom that forms your being, each particle that constructs your existence, is a tiny package of energy.

So, the next time you’re relaxing and contemplating the universe, consider how you, in your very essence, are a walking testament to the remarkable connection between mass and energy. We are quite literally a reservoir of energy.

Or bags of flesh. You decide!

2. The Placebo Effect = Harry Potter-Like Potential

Step into the world of intriguing possibilities where the lines between reality and imagination blur, and suddenly, you find yourself contemplating the uncanny resemblance between humans and the fictional wizarding realm of Harry Potter.

Prepare to dive into the phenomenon known as the Placebo Effect, a reminder that our minds wield a power akin to the enchanting capabilities of wizards.

A store called, "High Got You" in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Placebo Effect is a captivating occurrence in which a person experiences real, measurable improvements in their condition solely due to their belief in a treatment, even when the treatment itself is fake or a “sham”. This fascinating phenomenon underscores our beliefs and perceptions’ influence over our physical well-being.

In Japan, a research study was conducted involving 13 individuals with a severe allergy to poison ivy. During the study, each participant had a non-poisonous leaf applied to one arm, but they were told that this leaf was actually poison ivy.

On the other arm, they were exposed to real poison ivy but were told it was harmless. Surprisingly, all 13 participants developed a rash where the non-poisonous leaf had come into contact with their skin. Interestingly, only two of the participants showed a reaction when exposed to the real poison ivy leaves.

As stated by Dr. Irving Kirsch, a psychiatrist affiliated with the University of Connecticut, the effectiveness of placebos is approximately 55 percent to 60 percent compared to the efficacy of typical active medications.

Now, consider this: when a person is given a placebo, their mind engages in a remarkable dance of neurotransmitters, sparking a series of reactions that manifest in genuine physiological changes. It’s as if the mind, armed with the wand of belief, casts a spell over the body to induce healing and restoration.

In this sense, humans, like Harry Potter, possess the capacity to tap into uncharted territories within themselves, achieving incredible feats that science is only beginning to fathom.

Much like Harry Potter and his fellow wizards conjuring spells and charms to shape their world, we, too, wield the power of belief and imagination to impact our reality.

The Placebo Effect serves as a reminder that our minds are the ultimate source of magic, capable of influencing our health, well-being, and even our perception of pain.

So, the next time you ponder the parallels between the magical realm and the human experience, consider the Placebo Effect as a testament to our Harry Potter-like potential—to mold our reality through the sheer might of our thoughts.

Or, in short, we are all Harry Potter.

3. Things That Happen When Traveling At The Speed of Light

Imagine diving into a world of cosmic wonder and trippy thoughts, where the speed of light becomes the ultimate journey into the unknown. It’s like stepping outside of normal life, where time seems to slow down, distances get all twisted, and the very fabric of space and time seems to reveal its secret codes.

As we explore these ideas, get ready for some mind-bending stuff. We’ll talk about time doing funny things, lengths getting squished, and the crazy amount of energy it takes to go super-fast.

An image of a tapestry with an alien smoking weed and different types of marijuana strains presented.

Ever wanted to look back in time or meet yourself before you left? Buckle up because we’re going on a wild ride where the rules of reality might bend just a bit.

  • Time Dilation

The phenomenon known as time dilation breaks down to mean that if you were traveling at the speed of light, time would effectively stand still from your perspective. Imagine experiencing a journey where, from your viewpoint, time barely passes, while back on Earth, significant time has elapsed.

  • Length Contraction

As you approach the speed of light, objects in the direction of motion appear to shrink, a phenomenon called length contraction. This means that the entire universe could potentially fit within a “shorter” distance from your perspective as you approach light speed.

  • Infinite Energy Requirement

As an object with mass approaches the speed of light, its energy requirement to accelerate further becomes astronomically large. At the speed of light, an infinite amount of energy would be needed to continue accelerating, which raises the question: is faster-than-light travel truly impossible, or is there a yet-to-be-discovered solution to overcome this energy barrier?

  • Warping Spacetime

The theory of general relativity suggests that extremely massive objects, like black holes, can warp the fabric of spacetime. While not directly related to traveling at light speed, this concept hints at the possibility of manipulating spacetime to create shortcuts, known as “wormholes,” that could potentially allow for faster-than-light travel.

  • Seeing the Past

If you were able to travel at the speed of light and look back at Earth, you’d essentially be looking into the past. For example, if you were 65 million light-years away and could see Earth, you’d be observing what Earth looked like 65 million years ago.

  • Causality Paradox

Traveling at the speed of light could lead to a causality paradox, where the sequence of events becomes jumbled. Imagine a scenario where you travel away from Earth at light speed, turn around, and return. Due to time dilation, you might arrive back at Earth before you left, leading to puzzling questions about cause and effect.

  • Redshift

As an object with mass approaches the speed of light, its emitted light gets shifted towards longer wavelengths (redshifted). If you could observe a person traveling at near-light speed, their appearance might shift into the red or even beyond the visible spectrum.

4. All Humans Carry Baggage

Onto our next stoner thought…

Imagine you’re walking through life carrying a collection of bags, each containing memories, thoughts, and experiences from your past. Some are filled with laughter and joy, while others bear the weight of pain and regret.

These bags represent the baggage that all humans inevitably accumulate over time. But here’s the twist: most of us don’t even realize we’re carrying them, and it’s high time we understand the profound impact they have on our present and future.

Our memories often stand on shaky ground, with inaccuracies and exaggerations that transform them into something they never were. These distortions contribute to the baggage we lug around, unknowingly burdening our emotional well-being and causing us to respond with fear more often than confidence.

Mandarin Cookies marijuana strain in a dispensary in downtown Bangkok, Thailand.

The fear of failure, the sting of rejection, and the echo of past traumas all contribute to our baggage. And the load of this emotional baggage can hinder our ability to move forward, embrace new experiences, and form healthier perspectives.

Imagine this: you’re driving, and a total stranger gets mad at you, flashing that infamous middle finger. Now, here’s the thing. If you keep replaying this scene in your head, mulling it over for more than just a few minutes, you’re actually heaping some pretty negative weight onto your own thoughts.

It’s like you’re carrying around this bag of bad vibes, and you’re doing it all by just thinking about it.

But think about the liberation that could unfold if we consciously acknowledge and address our baggage. Much like cutting the ropes that bind heavy bags to our shoulders, releasing ourselves from the weight of distorted memories and irrational fears can grant us the freedom to truly thrive.

Recognizing that we all have this baggage is the first step toward a more conscious existence.

So, how do we cut these bags free? It starts with self-awareness, the courage to confront our past, and the willingness to reexamine our memories through a critical lens. The goal is not to discard the past entirely but to release ourselves from the grip of its inaccuracies and extremes.

By acknowledging, reassessing, and understanding our emotional baggage, we can pave the way for a lighter, more authentic journey through life.

5. Ego: The Battle Against Yourself

In the realm of stoner thoughts, where introspection and contemplation reign supreme, a profound realization often emerges: the ego, that ever-present and often domineering voice in our head, is not who we truly are.

But why? I’m the one thinking these thoughts, aren’t I?

Well, yes. But your thoughts make up your ego.

Imagine the ego as a cloak we wear, adorned with labels, expectations, and the relentless pursuit of validation. This cloak, while sometimes necessary for navigating the external world, can become an oppressive veil that obscures our authentic self.

Stoners, known for our contemplative states, often find themselves peering through the haze and thinking about their own thoughts. When you can observe your own thoughts, that’s when you tap into your authentic self. The one that is aware of your thoughts.

In this space of curiosity, the distinction between ego and true self becomes all the more apparent.

The ego, like a character in an elaborate play, presents itself with a script crafted by societal norms, past experiences, and the quest for status. It craves recognition, comparison, and control; a constant chatter that distracts us from the present moment.

Some people call their ego, their “little prince”.

When you’re high, your thoughts often lead to introspection that can tear down the illusion of ego, allowing us to glimpse the vast expanse of our consciousness beyond its confines.

To recognize that we are not our ego is to embark on a journey of self-discovery and liberation. It’s an invitation to let go of the need to impress, compete, and conform. Much like shedding old layers of clothing, shedding the ego reveals a raw, vulnerable, and beautiful core; a space where our true essence resides.

This journey can liberate us from the shackles of ego and lead us to a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

6. Controlling Your Body Temperature With Your Mind

For our next captivating thought to ponder while you’re high, let’s take a next mind-bending journey that taps into the extraordinary world of human potential where daring individuals defy the chilling grasp of natural elements by controlling their body temperature with the sheer power of their minds.

Yes, you read that right. Humans are able to control their body temperature with their minds.

As we delve into this captivating topic, imagine the questions that might arise in a state of highness: could we all possess untapped abilities like these? Is there a secret connection between the mind and body that we’ve yet to fully understand?

If you want to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, check out this article by Healthline that discusses the idea of controlling your body temperature with your mind.

7. The True Meaning of Government?

When it comes to control, and as those high thoughts start delving into the depths of curious rabbit holes, I’ve got an intriguing idea for you to ponder…

The government.

At first glance, the word “government” seems straightforward, referring to the administration that oversees society and enforces laws. However, when we dissect the term and delve into its linguistic roots, we reveal a thought-provoking revelation: “government” originates from the Latin verb “gubernare,” which means “to steer” or “to control,” combined with “mentis,” meaning “mind.”

This suggests that government, in its truest sense, involves more than just managing external affairs; it delves into the realms of controlling minds, shaping ideologies, and influencing the collective psyche.

Governments, by their nature, exercise authority over societies, making decisions that affect the lives of individuals within their jurisdiction. This governance extends beyond mere logistical management; it encompasses the ability to shape narratives, mold public opinion, and establish societal norms.

Don’t get me wrong, governments play a crucial role in existance. But where do we draw the line on their authority, and how can we make sure we keep that sweet spot between governance and personal thought freedom?

This revelation emphasizes the need for conscious awareness, vigilance, and an active role in shaping the narratives that govern not just our societies, but our very perceptions of reality.

8. The Power of Division

The other day, while I was scanning the news, a few stoner thoughts crept into my mind. I don’t usually watch the news, but every now and then, I get sucked in. This time, the news was full of stories highlighting just how terrible the other political party seemed. It got me thinking about something intriguing: the immense power of division.

Division, or the idea of creating a common enemy, hinges on exploiting human psychology. When people feel threatened or vulnerable, they naturally seek safety in numbers.

The creation of an “us vs. them” narrative, often fueled by fear, can bind individuals together into a cohesive group, generating a sense of identity and belonging. From this perspective, the common enemy becomes a unifying force, harboring cooperation and ultimately, power.

However, while unity can be a positive force, the strategy of exploiting a common enemy can be highly manipulative. It can be used by people in positions of power to divert attention from other issues and consolidate control. By steering attention towards an external threat, people may not notice more significant systemic problems.

Additionally, the strategy of creating a common enemy has the potential to fuel hatred, polarization, and conflict.

Awareness, critical thinking, and science-based research are essential tools for recognizing when the concept of a common enemy is being used against you. By questioning the purpose of every action, analyzing the motivations behind these actions, and actively seeking common ground with those we perceive as different, we can undermine the divisive power of this strategy.

Thought-Provoking Stoner Questions

While we dug deep into the high thoughts mentioned above, these next questions are simple musings that tantalize and stretch your mind into oblivion.

These stoner thoughts invite you to explore more into the wonders of existence, the intricate dance of ideas, and the boundless beauty of the imagination:

  • What if there was a magical pillow that could record your dreams every night? Imagine waking up and replaying your most vivid or bizarre dreams like a movie. What kind of wild adventures or surreal stories might you uncover, and how might this ‘dream-recording’ pillow change the way you view your own subconscious?
  • What if colors were sounds, and we could hear the vibrant melodies of a sunset or the soothing tunes of a lush forest? How would the world sound if our senses were a symphony?
  • If our universe is part of a larger multiverse, what might the other universes be like? Could there be a universe where everything is the opposite of what we know?
  • What if the colors we perceive aren’t the same for everyone, but we have no way of knowing it because we can’t see through each other’s eyes?
  • If thoughts had weight, and every time we pondered a question, it added a tiny feather to the scales of our mind, would some questions be heavier than others?
  • Imagine if our emotions were visible as colorful auras, intertwining with the energy of the universe around us. How differently would we perceive each other if we could see the vibrant spectrum of feelings?
  • If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? Is there a cosmic canvas beyond, where new galaxies and worlds are painted, waiting to be discovered?
  • What if time travel is possible, but we’re just restricted from going back or forward because it might disrupt the fabric of reality? What would you do if you could travel in time?
  • If you could create your own dream world, what would it be like, and what adventures or experiences would you want to have in it?
  • What if our dreams are actually glimpses into alternate realities, and when we wake up, we’re just returning to our original universe?
  • If you had the ability to instantly learn any skill, what would you choose, and how would it change your life?
  • What if we’re all connected through some cosmic energy, and our thoughts have subtle effects on the world around us?
  • If you could have a conversation with any historical figure or legendary character, who would it be, and what burning questions would you ask them?
  • What if every person you’ve ever met has left a mark on your life for a specific reason, even if you don’t realize it? What lessons or insights have they brought to you?

Funny Stoner Questions & High Thoughts

There’s nothing better than finding a strain of marijuana that gives you the giggles. The following high thoughts will help you explore the crazy ideas that pop into our minds when we are smoking reefer:

  • If animals could talk, which one would be the most interesting to have a conversation with while stoned?
  • If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called, and what bizarre traditions would it involve?
  • Imagine a world where all food tastes like your favorite munchies when you’re stoned. What’s the first dish you’d try?
  • Imagine a world where all food tastes like your favorite munchies when you’re stoned. What’s the first dish you’d try?
  • If you could give a TED talk on any absurd topic while completely stoned, what would it be about, and what profound insights might you offer?
  • What if your dreams were actually auditions for reality TV shows in another dimension? What outrageous reality show would you be starring in?
  • What if all the world’s problems could be solved through a massive dance-off competition? What dance move would you use to win? Go do that dance move right now.
  • If you woke up one day with a superpower based on your favorite stoner food, what power would it be, and how might you use it?
  • Imagine a stoner Olympics with quirky events like synchronized couch-surfing and competitive snack-tasting. What event would you dominate, and what would your “training” regimen look like?
  • If you had a stoner-themed food truck, what unique munchies would you serve, and what would you name your truck?
  • What if, every time you laughed, you gained an extra hour of stoned bliss? How would your days change, and what would be the funniest thing to ever happen?

Consuming Cannabis: FAQs

Before we wrap up this blog post to light another joint, let’s dive into a few of the most common questions cannabis users tend to have about the magical thoughts that consume us:

– What is stoned thinking?

Stoned thinking refers to the altered mental state that occurs when a person is under the influence of substances like marijuana. It often involves a combination of relaxation, heightened sensory perception, altered time perception, and increased introspection.

– Why do you have weird thoughts when high?

When under the influence of substances like marijuana, some individuals experience altered thought patterns due to the interaction of the drug with the brain’s receptors and neurotransmitters. These altered perceptions can lead to creative and unconventional thinking, which may manifest as “weird” or outside-the-box thoughts.

Additionally, the relaxing effects of the substance may reduce society-influenced inhibitions, allowing for more open and imaginative contemplation.

Conclusion: BEST Stoner Thoughts For When You’re High

Stoner thoughts spark curiosity that makes us think about things like the universe, why we’re here, and of course, things we don’t fully understand.

Whether we ponder these things with friends on a cozy evening while lighting up a blunt or we think about them by ourselves after nibbling on an edible, these thoughts remind us that beyond our daily routines, there’s a world of imagination just waiting to be discovered.