White Truffle Weed Strain: Effects, Info, & Ultimate Guide


In our deep dive into the White Truffle strain, we’ll navigate the captivating world of one of our favorite hybrid strains.

As we venture further, we’ll uncover the nuances that make White Truffle a standout strain, from its unique aroma and flavor profile to its optimal growing conditions. By understanding the interplay of its indica and sativa genetics, we can appreciate the balanced high it offers. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or new to the world of strains, this exploration will provide valuable insights into what makes White Truffle truly special.

White Truffle Strain Overview

THC: 25%
CBD: 0%

The White Truffle strain is an Indica-leaning hybrid that comes from Gorilla Butter strain.

Gorilla Butter is a hybrid known for its smooth, earthy flavor and a high that’s both uplifting and relaxing. Gorilla Butter is this brilliant mash-up, combining the most amazing notes of Peanut Butter Breath and GG4. With each toke, Gorilla Butter delivers a melody of flavors, giving way to a high that feels like a cozy hug from Mother Nature herself.

We believe Gorilla Butter passed along some of its best genetics to the White Truffle strain.

– What Type of Strain is White Truffle?

White Truffle is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain that finds its roots in the Gorilla Butter family. Representing a unique phenotype variation of its parent strain, White Truffle stands out with its distinct genetic makeup. As a hybrid, it beautifully balances the characteristics of both Indica and Sativa, making it a sought-after variation within the cannabis community.

Indica-dominant hybrids like the White Truffle strain typically show characteristics that lean towards the calming and body-relaxing effects typically associated with pure Indica strains.

But they also toss in a bit of a head buzz from their Sativa side. This blend results in a holistic experience that can uplift your mood, inspire creativity, and gradually help you drift into relaxation.

– Effects of White Truffle Strain

  • Motivational boost
  • Calming
  • Quick high
  • Versatile Experience

Per typical Indica-dominant strains, White Truffle not only delivers a powerful head high but it also smoothly transitions you into a serene and relaxed body high. The effects are quick, so you’ll start to experience them quickly after consuming.

Pruning White Truffle Strain Buds.

At first, the uplifting rush is perfect for those moments when you need a burst of motivation. However, as time progresses, this is followed by a gentle urge to recline and enjoy your surroundings. This impact makes White Truffle a versatile strain, whether you’re looking to be briefly efficient or seeking a peaceful end to a long day.

Is White Truffle good for social gatherings?

White Truffle can be an excellent choice for social gatherings for those familiar with its potency. Initially, it brings about a spirited vibe, making interactions delightful.

However, it’s worth noting that as the hours tick by, you’ll feel a transition to a more laid-back and chilled-out mood, so pacing yourself is key. This strain ensures lively conversations followed by a peaceful sense of relaxation.

Flavor & Characteristics

White Truffle strain carries a layered flavor profile; it starts with an earthy and nutty undertone, complemented by a touch of butteriness and a dash of sweet citrus. There’s also a gentle skunky aroma, but it won’t overpower you; it actually adds just the right kick. The experience is like savoring a complex dish, where every puff reveals something new.

As for the effects, White Truffle brings on an array of feelings. Imagine feeling aroused, only to settle into a state of calm. There’s a quick mental spark that sets in, quickly followed by a comforting physical ease.

If you’re new to stronger weed strains, be aware that White Truffle is a fairly potent strain. Ease into it as the intensity could surprise you.

Our favorite part of experiencing the White Truffle strain is that both the mind and body are catered to; it provides an uplifting and motivational buzz, but this energy is temporary.

– Terpenes & Cannabinoids

  • Primary/Dominant Terpene: Caryophyllene

Caryophyllene, the primary terpene in the White Truffle strain, stands out with its distinct peppery aroma. Not just limited to cannabis, caryophyllene is found in many spices like black pepper, adding warmth and a spicy undertone to the strain’s profile.

Beyond its flavor contributions, caryophyllene is also unique among terpenes due to its ability to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, often associated with potential therapeutic benefits.

  • Additional Terpenes: Limonene, Humulene

Supplementing this dominant terpene are Limonene and Humulene. Limonene, as the name suggests, introduces a bright citrus note, reminiscent of fresh lemon peels, adding a zesty punch to the mix.

On the other hand, Humulene brings a hoppy, earthy scent, commonly found in hops used in brewing. Together, these terpenes create a well-rounded and rich aromatic experience, enhancing the overall appeal of the White Truffle strain.

How To Grow White Truffle Weed

Diving into growing the White Truffle strain will be a rewarding journey for you. With some attention to detail and care, I’ve seen the plants flourish, yielding aromatic buds that embody this strain’s unique character.

💡Step 1: Select Your Growing Space

  • Indoor cultivation offers controlled conditions, making it ideal for strains like White Truffle that have specific temperature and humidity requirements.
  • If opting for outdoor growth, ensure a location with ample sunlight and protection from extreme weather conditions.

💡Step 2: Optimal Climate Conditions

  • White Truffle thrives in warm environments. Aim for a temperature range of 70-80°F (21-27°C) during the day.
  • Monitor humidity levels. Young plants prefer higher humidity, but as they mature, gradually reduce to around 40-50%.

💡Step 3: Prepare the Soil

  • Opt for organic, well-draining soil that’s rich in nutrients. This provides a conducive environment for roots to grow.
  • Periodically check the pH of the soil to ensure it’s in the optimal range for cannabis, typically between 6.0 and 7.0.

💡Step 4: Regular Pruning

  • Pruning is essential for better light penetration and air circulation.
  • Remove unnecessary leaves and branches, particularly those at the bottom of the plant that may not receive adequate light.
Marijuana plants in a growing tent with lights. These are small plants.

💡Step 5: Monitor Growth

  • Keep an eye out for the signature deep purple and almost black leaves, which is a characteristic feature of White Truffle.
  • The dense, cone-shaped buds adorned with white trichomes and vibrant orange hairs are both aesthetically pleasing and a sign of good health.

💡Step 6: Flowering Time

  • After about 64 days, your White Truffle plants will enter the flowering stage. Adjust light schedules if growing indoors, mimicking natural conditions to encourage blooming.

💡Step 7: Harvesting

  • Outdoor plants are typically ready for harvest in mid-October. Look for mature trichomes and richly colored buds as signs of readiness.
  • Use sharp, sterilized scissors to cut the buds, handling them gently to preserve trichomes.

💡Step 8: Yield Expectations

  • In optimal conditions, indoor grows can produce about 14 oz/sq. ft, while outdoor plants can yield around 17 oz per plant.
  • Factors like light exposure, nutrient availability, and overall plant health can influence yields.

💡Step 9: Consider Your Experience

  • While White Truffle is described as relatively easy to cultivate, it’s beneficial to have some foundational knowledge of cannabis growing.
  • Resources like online forums, books, or local growers can provide valuable insights and tips.

Growing the White Truffle strain is like mastering a new recipe; it takes a bit of patience and a good amount of attention to detail. But with the right care, you’ll be rewarded with some top-notch bud.


Diving deep into the world of ganja, White Truffle is a strain that always sparks our vibes. Here are some burning questions about this strain and the high times you can expect:

Is White Truffle a strong strain?

Absolutely; this strain is a powerhouse. With THC levels potentially reaching 25% or even higher, it’s not a lightweight in the strength department.

What are some similar strains to White Truffle?

If you can’t find the White Truffle strain at Seedsman or I Love Growing Marijuana, I recommend looking for some similar strains. A few to consider include Gorilla Berries, which offers a rich profile. Orange Kush Cake is another delightful blend. Biscotti TK41 brings a unique twist, and lastly, Blue Cookie can also be a fantastic counterpart.

Weed shaped in a peace sign.

Is White Truffle a good strain?

White Truffle is a favored strain for its potential to counter feelings of fatigue and alleviate stress. You’ll likely appreciate its calming qualities and its potential to help ease pain.

However, always remember individual experiences may vary, and it’s essential to find what works best for you.

It’s also got a killer taste and a vibe that’s perfect for kickin’ back after you’ve had a busy day or you’re starting off a mellow weekend. Lots of smokers dig it for the relaxation and good feels, but like with any strain, it’s all about finding what jams with you.

A Final Toke: White Truffle Strain

White Truffle is more than just its rad genetics; it’s a total trip in the cannabis world that’s got a lot of heads turning. With its dank flavors and mellow highs, it’s the go-to for those chill sessions or passing one around with pals. Dive deep into this strain’s magic, and let every White Truffle hit take you on a new journey. Keep it groovy and light up the good vibes.